Go full production with the new version

After the tests on production we're ready to go full production with the new version.

Create JavaScript

Like the canary release we start the full production step with JavaScript.

#!/usr/bin/jjs -fv

var version = $ENV.VERSION;
var kubectl = $ENV.KUBECTL;

var name = "battleapp";
var url = "http://disruptor.ninja:30080/battleapp/resources/users";
var timeout = 2;

var deleteDeployment = kubectl + " delete deployment -l name=" + name + ",version!=" + version;

var testUrl = "curl --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output /dev/null " + url + " --max-time " + timeout;
while ($OUT != "200") {
    $EXEC("sleep 1");

function execute(command) {

That the script can be executed it has to be executable:

chmod 750 start.js

Add the full production release as CI step

This script has to be added to the Jenkins pipeline:

  stage "go full production"
  input "undeploy other versions?"
  node {
    git url: "https://github.com/robertBrem/BattleApp-Prod"
    sh "./start.js"

Then Build Now.