Last test

We're going to use JMeter for our last tests.

Install JMeter

Install JMeter on your local machine.

sudo apt-get install jmeter -y

Create a JMeter test in JMeter

Start JMeter.


Right click on Test Plan Add -> Threads (Users) -> Thread Group.
New Thread Group

Make the following settings:
Number of Threads (users): 5
Ramp-Up Period (in seconds): 1
Loop Count: 100

Thread Group Settings

Right click on Thread Group Add -> Sampler -> HTTP Request.
HTTP Request Sampler

Make the following settings:
Server Name or IP:
Port Number: 31080
Path: /battleapp/resources/users

HTTP Request Settings

Right click on Thread Group Add -> Listener -> Summary Report
Summary Report

Click on Play.
Save the run in test.jmx.

Summary Report

Create last test project

Create a last test similar to this one.

Move the test.jmx file in this folder /src/test/jmeter/test.jmx.

Parametrize the test.jmx file. The syntax is:


Add the following Maven settings:


Start Maven with the parameters set:

mvn clean verify -Dperformancetest.webservice.port=8080 -Dperformancetest.webservice.threads=2 -Dperformancetest.webservice.iterations=50 -Dperformancetest.webservice.url=/battleapp/resources/users

Create the Jenkins pipeline step

Include the test in the Jenkins pipeline:

  stage "last test"
  node {
    git url: ""
    def mvnHome = tool 'M3'
    sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean verify -Dperformancetest.webservice.port=31080 -Dperformancetest.webservice.threads=5 -Dperformancetest.webservice.iterations=500 -Dperformancetest.webservice.url=/battleapp/resources/users"
    archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'target/reports/*.*', fingerprint: true

Then Build Now.