Secure the Angular2 frontend service

This article is based on this article. To add Keycloak security to an Angular2 application we've to install the JavaScript Keycloak adapter.

npm install keycloak-js --save

Now we've to intercept every call to the frontend. We can achieve that in the main.browser.ts file:

import * as Keycloak from "keycloak-js";

let keycloak = Keycloak('keycloak/keycloak.json');
window['_keycloak'] = keycloak;

  {onLoad: 'login-required'}
  .success(function (authenticated) {

    if (!authenticated) {

    // refresh login
    setInterval(function () {

      keycloak.updateToken(70).success(function (refreshed) {
        if (refreshed) {
          console.log('Token refreshed');
        } else {
          console.log('Token not refreshed, valid for '
            + Math.round(keycloak.tokenParsed.exp + keycloak.timeSkew - new Date().getTime() / 1000) + ' seconds');
      }).error(function () {
        console.error('Failed to refresh token');

    }, 60000);




Then we've to create a folder src/keycloak with the file keycloak.json and the following content:

  "realm": "battleapp-local",
  "auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8280/auth",
  "ssl-required": "none",
  "resource": "battleapp-frontend",
  "public-client": true

To include Keycloak in our services we can use the following library:

npm install angular2-jwt --save

Then we can configure the auth provider in app.module.ts:

import {provideAuth} from "angular2-jwt";
providers: [ // expose our Services and Providers into Angular's dependency injection
    globalHeaders: [{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}],
    noJwtError: true,
    tokenGetter: () => {
      return window['_keycloak'].token;

Now we can use the AuthHttp in our users.service.ts class.

import {Injectable} from "@angular/core";
import {Response, Http} from "@angular/http";
import {Observable} from "rxjs";
import {User} from "./user";
import {AuthHttp} from "angular2-jwt";

export class UserService {
  private environment: Observable<any>;

  constructor(private authHttp: AuthHttp, private http: Http) {
    this.environment = this.http
      .map(res => res.json());

  public getUsersUrl(env: any): string {
    let baseUsersUrl = '/battleapp/';
    let api: string = 'resources/';
    let usersUrl = 'http://' + + ':' + env.port + baseUsersUrl + api + 'users/';
    return usersUrl;

  public getAll = (): Observable<User[]> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      return this.authHttp
        .map(res => res.json());

  public search = (nickname: string): Observable<User[]> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      return this.authHttp
        .get(this.getUsersUrl(env) + "?nickname=" + nickname)
        .map(res => res.json());

  public find = (id: number): Observable<User> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      return this.authHttp
        .get(this.getUsersUrl(env) + id)
        .map(res => res.json());

  public create = (firstName: string, lastName: string): Observable<User> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      var toAdd = JSON.stringify({firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName});
      return this.authHttp
        .post(this.getUsersUrl(env), toAdd)
        .map(res => res.json());

  public update = (id: number, itemToUpdate: User): Observable<User> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      return this.authHttp
        .put(this.getUsersUrl(env) + id, JSON.stringify(itemToUpdate))
        .map(res => res.json());

  public delete = (id: number): Observable<Response> => {
    return this.environment.flatMap((env: any) => {
      return this.authHttp
        .delete(this.getUsersUrl(env) + id);

Create test environment with security

In the start.js script form the start test environment script we've to add keycloak.json with a ConfigMap. Therefore we've to create a new file keycloak.json in the battleapp-frontend and battleapp-frontend-test folder with the corresponding content:

  "realm": "battleapp",
  "auth-server-url": "",
  "ssl-required": "none",
  "resource": "battleapp-frontend",
  "public-client": true
  "realm": "battleapp-test",
  "auth-server-url": "",
  "ssl-required": "none",
  "resource": "battleapp-frontend",
  "public-client": true

Now we've to delete the existing ConfigMaps and recreate them:

kc delete configmap battleapp-frontend
kc delete configmap battleapp-frontend-test
kc create configmap battleapp-frontend-test --from-file=battleapp-frontend-test
kc create configmap battleapp-frontend --from-file=battleapp-frontend

And test it:

kc get configmap battleapp-frontend-test -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
  environment.json: |
      "host": "",
      "port": 31080
  keycloak.json: |
      "realm": "battleapp-test",
      "auth-server-url": "",
      "ssl-required": "none",
      "resource": "battleapp-frontend",
      "public-client": true
kind: ConfigMap
  creationTimestamp: 2016-12-31T15:54:44Z
  name: battleapp-frontend-test
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "1049486"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/configmaps/battleapp-frontend-test
  uid: 72a5399b-cf71-11e6-a836-0050563cad2a

Now we can add the ConfigMap in the start.js script form the start test environment script:

dfw.write("        - name: keycloak\n");
dfw.write("          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html/keycloak\n");
dfw.write("      - name: keycloak\n");
dfw.write("        configMap:\n");
dfw.write("          name: battleapp-frontend-test\n");
dfw.write("          items:\n");
dfw.write("          - key: keycloak.json\n");
dfw.write("            path: keycloak.json\n");

And in the start.js script from the canary release:

dfw.write("        - name: keycloak\n");
dfw.write("          mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html/keycloak\n");
dfw.write("      - name: keycloak\n");
dfw.write("        configMap:\n");
dfw.write("          name: battleapp-frontend\n");
dfw.write("          items:\n");
dfw.write("          - key: keycloak.json\n");
dfw.write("            path: keycloak.json\n");